Contact us

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via email or phone, or send us a message using the contact form. To learn more about each community, click on the icon to the left of each address.

A Registered Assisted and Independent Living Centre
750 Delestre Avenue
Coquitlam, British Columbia
Canada V3K 0A1
Phone: 604.939.1930
Fax: 604.939.1901

Complex Care, located adjacent to Residences At Belvedere Coquitlam, BC.
Belvedere Care Centre
739 Alderson Ave
Coquitlam, BC. V3K 7B3
Phone: 604.939.5991
Fax: 604.939.5910

Independent/Assisted Living residence adjacent to our Complex Care Centre, South Surrey, BC.
2567 King George Blvd.
Surrey, BC. V4P 0E9
Phone:  604-542-6200   
Press 1 for Independent/Assisted Living
Press 2 for Care Centre
Press 3 to speak with our Community Relations

Corporate Office:
Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable
739 Alderson Avenue
Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B3
Phone: 604.939.5991 | Fax: 604.939.5910

What People Are Saying . . .

Thanks to all of you for the love, support, and care you gave mom over the last two years. She cared about each and every one of you and told me often there was nowhere else she’d rather be.”

— Resident Family